Here we see Edgar. a member of GEXPAYE who´s good at making kites, using kite paper to make designs on kites for sale
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
Haciendo Chichiguas- Making Kites
Here we see Edgar. a member of GEXPAYE who´s good at making kites, using kite paper to make designs on kites for sale
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012
Desfilando en el Carnaval Francomacorisano 2012- Participating in the 2012 Francomacorisano Carnaval
GEXPAYE´s carnaval group
Some of the children with a member of the Comparsa Los Monos, a traditional carnaval group in SFM.
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012
Carnaval ´12 pte 3: Calentando la Javiela; bringing the carnaval to la Javiela
We altered an adult costume so that Yoelfry, one of our youngest members, (he´s 4 years old) could wear it and as you can see he unleashed his carnaval nature
Some of the other members bringing joy to a small group of children
Here we see Yoelfry, the same kid who was scarring the two little girls in the above picture, is now, without anyone prompting him, respectfully saluding the infant. Children are so smart. They adjust their behavior to suit the situation
Marching down the streets of the Javiela towards the park in the Villa Olympica (the neighborhood next to La Javiela which lacks a park) where we are to rest
Arriving at the Villa Olympica neighborhood
Taking a well-deserved rest and enjoying the park
miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012
Carnaval SFM ´12 parte 2:Preparándonos; Getting ready for the carnaval part 2
Here is the design of el Diablo Javielero, one of the costumes we wore in the carnaval.
Cutting the patterns needed to make the costumes.
Cosiendo los disfraces
Sewing the costumes
Wilson modeling the mask he designed.
Definiendo una careta combinando diferente materiales;
Using mixed media to add elements to the mask.
Carnaval SFM ´12 part 1:Preparándonos; Getting ready for the ´12 SFM Carnaval
L@s integrantes de GEXPAYE diseñan sus disfraces y toman nota de los materiales que necesitan traer para crear sus personajes. The members of GEXPAYE design their costumes and write down the materials they need to bring to make them.
Y aquí la bata que servirá para el vesturario del Rey Momo del carnaval.
Here´s the robe we will to make the royal gown for the Rey Momo (the ugly king of the carnaval).
Empezando a cortar el cartón del cual crearemos las caretas de los disfraces.
Cutting the cardboard we will use to make the masks for the carnaval.
GEXPAYE (English follows)
GEXPAYE es un proyecto socio-comunitario piloto de educación alternativa y de edad mixta. Concebimos la educación como liberadora y empoderadora, no esclavizante como lo es nuestro sistema de educación, el cual llamamos escuelamiento. En GEXPAYE nos guiamos por los intereses y necesidades de los integrantes, algun@s de l@s cuales forman parte de la directiva del proyecto, creando asi no solo un programa de ell@s y para ell@s sino también ciudadanos responsables, democráticos, y libres.
El interés de GEXPAYE es asistir al desarrollo de nuestr@s niñ@s y jóvenes por medio del arte, el juego, paseos, la lectura, la escritura, la discusión y el análisis, entre otros, dados por medio de talleres y proyectos escogidos por l@s integrantes del programa, incentivando así su aprendizaje. Trabajamos en reciclaje, preservando nuestro medio ambiente, creando conciencia, responsabilidad, y valores más humanistas, para construir una sociedad menos consumista e individualista.
GEXPAYE is a socio-community pilot project of alternative mixed-age education. We think of education as liberating and empowering, not enslaving like schools in our education system. We are guided by the interests and needs of our members who also form part of our board of directors.
We aim to create not only a program for them and by them but also free, democratic and responsible citizens. GEXPAYE's interest is to assist in the development of our children and youth through art, play, trips, reading, writing, discussion and analysis, among others. We give workshops and create projects selected by the members of the program, thus motivating them to learn. We work with recyclable materials, preserving our environment, creating awareness, responsibility and humanistic values, to build a less consumerist and individualistic society.